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Artisan Application

Join the fun! Follow these steps to become a Sunsets at Pier 60 and Pier 60 Sugar Sand Festival participant.

  • Step 1 - Participant Application: Artisans will need to provide images of their raw materials with receipts, work in progress and an image of the finished craft/art. A photo of a previous or proposed booth set-up is required.
  • Step 2 - Application Review: Your application will be reviewed by event management. A representative of Sunsets at Pier 60/Pier 60 Sugar Sand Festival will contact you regarding the status of your application. Additional information and/or an in-person jury appointment may be required. Please be aware that these procedures are in place to ensure that all items are hand crafted by the participating artist and for the purpose of providing a variety of art offerings to guests.
  • Step 3 - The following fees will apply: Upon your acceptance a registration fee of $35.00 and a $35.00 background screening will be due. If more than one screening is needed with your application, additional fees will be applied. This background screening is a requirement for participation by the city of Clearwater. If for any reason you are denied participation due to the results of your background screening, no refunds will be issued. Anyone at your booth 18+ is required to complete a background check for participation.

Other important information:

Some artisan categories may be closed due to multiple participants. All items for sale must be handmade/created by the artist and sold by the artist.

The following categories are prohibited:

  • Clothing/apparel
  • Food items
  • Tobacco products
  • Psychics and tarot card readers.

All items to be sold must be handcrafted by the participant.

Festival Hours:

  • Sunday-Thursday: 10 a.m.-9 p.m.
  • Friday-Saturday: 10 a.m.-10 p.m.

Option 1: 12′ x 5′ Non-tented space

  • Weekday rate (Monday - Thursday): $60
  • Weekend rate (Friday - Sunday): $90
  • Daily fee due prior to set-up
  • Artisans must be setup by: 12 p.m.
  • Artisans must provide all battery powered LED lighting for their set-up; no electricity is provided.
  • All belongings, including your set-up, must be removed daily

Option 2: 10′ x 10′ Tent space

  • Weekday rate (Monday – Thursday): $80 per day
  • Weekend rate (Friday - Sunday): $140 per day
  • $50 deposit required to secure space
  • Daily fee due prior to set-up
  • Artisans must provide secure 10′×10′ tent
  • Artisans must provide all battery powered LED lighting for their set-up; no electricity is provided.
All artisans are responsible for their own parking.

Sunsets at Pier 60 Society, Inc. reserves the right to refuse any artists' participation based on what is in the best interest of the organization.

Previous Vendor
Work in Progress
Proposed Booth Set-Up
Additional Image
Additional Image
Booth Size
I agree to the terms and conditions
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